Trying new things

I am committed to writing in this blog at least once a week. However, some days I get here and I think, “What have I got to say?” So I am wondering, are there things that people want to see addressed here? Anything from the sublime to the ridiculous…? This isn’t a blog about anything in particular – it’s more like a blog about anything that pops into my head – or yours. Leave a comment if there is something you would like to see here.

Right now I am looking forward to a writers’ retreat that one of my writing groups is doing in March. I find this group to be very interesting, and good for me. In it we often write to prompts, and I sometimes find myself writing in a way I don’t usually write. I do not claim to be good at it, but it certainly does stretch me, and I think that can’t be a bad thing.

I think that it is in the stretch where we grow. I know that if I stick to doing what I do best I am not necessarily going to grow, so I seek out other things that interest me, and try to learn new things. It’s not always pretty, but I think it is always interesting. And it certainly does remind me that it is impor04tant to be willing to be bad at something for a bit. I don’t think that I am going to be great at everything I attempt, but my belief is that those who are great at everything they attempt are limiting what they try. If I try only those things that I know I will be good at, it certainly does cut down my field of possibilities. And who knows? Maybe I will end up being good a something if I hang in there long enough to practice and get better.

And so I am willing to be a beginner again – not so easy for a lady who’s been around a while, and who actually got pretty good at a couple things. So now I am seeing what else I can be good at. How about you? Are you trying anything new these days?

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